Fooled by RANDOM


Random numbers:

Logo instructions using RANDOM to get numbers from the given range:


Range: (500 to 999)

500 + RANDOM 500


Range: (-200 to 0)

(RANDOM 201) - 200


Range: (-30 to 29)

(RANDOM 60) – 30


Even numbers in the range: (0 to 198)

(RANDOM 100) * 2


RANDOM 100 will give numbers in the range (0 to 99). Multiplying by 2 will give us only the even numbers in the range (0 to 198).



Wheel of Triangles:




  triangle 100

  RT 360/15



Since we want all colors except black, we want to use the color range (1 to 15). This range consists of 15 numbers. Adding 1 shifts the range from (0 to 14) to (1 to 15).







City from space:

The procedure to draw the cityscape consists of the following steps:

-        The Turtle moves some random distance forward

-        Then, it either randomly turns left or right, or remains straight


This procedure is then repeated a number of times.


Repeat 5000 [

  FD random 25

  RT 90*((Random 3)-1)



To get a colorful cityscape, we will randomly change color after a certain number of steps. We want colors 1 to 15 (we want to avoid black since the background is black). RANDOM 15 will give us number in the range (0 to 14) which we can shift to (1 to 15) by simply adding 1.


REPEAT 100 [


  Repeat 50 [

    FD RANDOM 25 RT (90 * ((RANDOM 3)-1))

