Force of love


The force of love is

            a primal force of nature's

Highly directional,

            two persons at once it enraptures


It can be felt or seen

            by no device or person

It can propagate through

            any medium, vacuum even

(Vacuum is what one feels

            if the force is undone)


Force of love is unique –

            it surges with distance

At close quarters though

            mighty is its potence


Beware! if distance is zero

            a wee bit too long,

For a short second or two,

            force may change its song

            (become “repulsive”)


Effects of the force of love

            are fickle and numerous

Wise men looking at it long,

            their work is continuous!


That is the theory by NuTan

            of this elementary force

You'd better stop fighting it

            and submit to its source!



By NuTan (pronounced as Newton) aka Abhay B. Joshi